Wednesday, September 29

Pocketfull of Memes

Here's an old sketch that I totally forgot to upload. I drew this right after I saw the movie and I guess I was too excited to finish coloring in my right hand. Whatevs.

All of it. The comics, the movie & the game. Kickass! High fives!

Jamie says I would have made a better Scott Pilgrim than Michael Cera (since the books are basically based on me). I don't disagree.



  1. You look like you're wearing a white glove. Sort of a Michael Jackson thing.I loved that movie.

  2. @Corporeal_Corndog OOooohhh! Nice one

    @Robin Totally, that was the hidden meme/reference..... totally.... I didn't see the movie, but I remember watching a ton of his old music video movies when I was a kid and they were awesome! Turning into zombies and werewolves and robots from space! Hell yeah!
